ENOVA Support

Energy technology that reduces costs and helps the environment


600,000NOK In Energy Mapping Support!

2 January, 2024

There is fierce competition for ENOVA's support funds, and strict requirements are set for the energy report. Nevertheless, SASTECH quickly obtains support in 9 out of 9 applications for energy mapping of commercial buildings, amounting to a sum of 1.2 million NOK. The mapping results in a report that provides the building owner or tenant with a fact-based overview of the building's current energy condition and potential for improvement. Thus, both SASTECH and the customer are able to choose the best investments.

How Much Can Your Company Receive in Support?

ENOVA's support can cover up to 50%, up to a maximum of 400,000 NOK, of the project's costs. With SASTECH as a collaboration partner, we see that the support granted can be considerably higher than usual, precisely because we, as a full-service provider, look at the interplay between all energy carriers in the building. This results in a detailed report with a complete overview of mapped measures, which measures are recommended, and in what order the measures are recommended to be implemented.

SASTECH AS can apply on behalf of the company

Alternatively, assist the customer throughout the entire process from mapping, applications, to complete delivery of solution and operation. When you later invest in energy measures, the mapping report will serve as a basis for decision-making, describing cost estimates, profitability, and will include various financing models from which you choose the most appropriate for the business.

The support scheme is particularly relevant for buildings that have significant potential for improvement in energy standards, typically older energy-intensive buildings.