Power Grid

Energy technology that reduces costs and helps the environment


The power grid is full in Vestfold

16 October, 2023

Lede have been informed by Statnett that the power grid in Vestfold is full. All available capacity in the existing and planned network until 2035 is reserved. It is only maintained by some extra capacity for what is defined as "normal consumption". The situation is somewhat better in Telemark, according to the press release.

The fact that the power grid is full means that there is no capacity to establish new industry. At the same time, it means a stop to the electrification of existing fossil-based industry.

Lede is calling for a discussion on whether, for a period, the power grid can be operated harder than before. It involves a somewhat higher risk of error, but Askvik believes that it can be worth it.


This means the end for further industrial development in Vestfold and Telemark, says managing director Øivind Askvik of the power grid company Lede in a press release.

We have to talk about what we are missing out on, namely value creation, safeguarding jobs and climate cuts. This must be seen against security of supply, says Askvik.


Statnett: – Agreed to a doubling

Executive director for power systems and markets at Statnett, Gunnar G. Løvås, believes that Lede underplays an important factor:

  • We have agreed to a doubling of power consumption in Vestfold and Telemark, so to say that "the power grid is full" can be misunderstood. - In this context, it means that unused capacity has already been reserved, Løvås clarifies to Nettavisen. If someone falls out of the queue, there will be room for new players, he says.

  • Then we want to build a new power line from Sørlandet to Grenland, says the Statnett director. - This is in any case far in the future, even if they hope to get "yes" from OED to start project development in the near future.

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